dijous, 9 d’abril del 2015

Religió a demanda: jedis i budistes a les universitats turques

"Thousands of students across Turkey have demanded that their universities build Jedi and Buddhist temples on campus, in response to a surge in mosques being built for Muslim students.
The demands were sparked last month, when the rector of Istanbul Technical University (İTÜ), announced that “a landmark mosque”, would be built on campus due to “huge demand”, making it the first mosque to be built on the university site."

" A petition on Change.org, illustrated with a screenshot from the film Star Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Clones, had received over 5,000 signatures at the time of writing. “To recruit new Jedi and to bring balance to the Force, we want a Jedi temple,” the petition read, in reference to the Jedi knights from the popular Star Wars films."

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