dimecres, 21 de setembre del 2016

Humor involuntari: 1/10.930.000.000 és la probabilitat que un refugiat mati al fill de DonaldTrump!

"A report released last week by the Cato Institute measured the risk to Americans posed by refugees. The report found that an American’s chances of being killed by a refugee in a terrorist attack in any given year are 1 in 3.64 billionAmerica’s murder rate — at 4.5 per 100,000 capita — is about 163,800 times higher.
As the Washington Post’s Philip Bump points out, adhering to Trump’s analogy, a bowl with three deadly Skittles (refugees) in it would need to contain 10.93 billion Skittles. Bump calculated this to be the equivalent of 1.5 Olympic-size swimming pools full of the candy. This would equate to a bowl of Skittles roughly 246 feet long, 123 feet high, and 9 feet deep."

anumerisme trump
Quina por!

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